to bead or not to bead? that is NOT the question.
Beadboard was never in question, in my mind. If DM could have it his way, we would have just painted. But then again, we also would still have that old 16" brown ceramic tile floor and apparently a vintage poster of a pinup girl. Oy. It scared him from the day we decided to actually do it and he dreaded the cutting and installation, all with absolute certainty it would not go well. Now that the floor was complete, there was no more time to waste. Was it easy? No. Was it enjoyable? Far from it. Was it as hard as he thought? Yes, in some ways. We had to fit full height panels into a very small room with a narrow doorway--and when the measurements weren't just right because of our very imperfectly level, far from straight walls, the huge sheets had to be maneuvered back out of the bathroom door, through the brand new self closing screen door, past the gate and back to the driveway. Did we argue? Hell yea. Was there stress, screaming and confusion? Sadly, yes. Was it all necessary? Of course not. But we were dealing with that, on top of an almost 3 and 6 year old, him working from home, toys everywhere, food requests, what's for dinner, laundry, exhaustion, being trapped at home, and the list goes on. It was pretty unavoidable. In the came out just as beautiful, if not more, than I even imagined. I mean night and day. The pictures speak for themselves. and now we are all up to date. Minor caulking and sanding need to be done tomorrow morning, then I can go pick up the paint color which is finally, definitely decided on.
Side note: we went with the sheets of beadboard as opposed to the traditional tongue and groove boards because we thought it would be simpler. I'm not sure that it was, but in the end, I feel confident that with the finished results, no one would be able to tell the difference.
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